Renewing Passport at UTC *Updated*

Today is All Souls Day and the kids had a day off as both their school managed to get a special leave for school. So finally we’ve decided to head over to UTC and get all 3 of our passport renewed after it expired 3 years ago. Anyway, here are the documents you are required to prepare especially when bringing your kids for renewal.

Children Check List

  1. Expired Passport of child
  2. Original & Copy of My Kid or IC of child
  3. Original & Copy of Birth Cert
  4. Original & Copy of Marriage Certificate
  5. Original & Copy of IC of either parent who is bringing them.

Please take note that this is required for each child if you intend to renew. For my case I had to make 2 copies from number 2-5.

So once you have the following documents above, you can proceed to counter 1 and get your queue number. Here they will check all your checklist from the above, and also will need to measure your children height. Once all is good, the officer will then issue your number. Because there were 3 of us, he gave us running numbers so that we can all make the passport at the same counter later. Since we were renewing our passport, there’s not much to do but to wait for our turn. As we didn’t need to fill any forms or whatsoever.

Fair bit of waiting time, but the kids were entertained by the ads being shown

Waiting time was about close to 45 minutes before our turn was called. Kids brought their books to read, while I went and check what type of payment method they were accepting. They are no longer accepting cash, so you need to make payment via your Credit Card or Debit Card (Will write more about it later). So once our number got called, we proceed to our counter to start our process.

Shout out to Tuan Benjamin, who took care of our whole process. He was jovial the whole time, and even Tim had a good time while being attended by him. So what happened was that, I approached him stating that there would be 3 of us would that be a problem. He said no and began the process of renewing our passport. The whole process for the 3 of us was less than 30 minutes, as most of our documents were already sorted out at Counter 1. Photo taking session, we had to take off our glasses as well as our mask. He had to give me a black vest because I was wearing yellow, and worry when taking the picture the shirt would not be obvious. So once everything was done, we were asked to go back and sit down while waiting for payment.

For the immigration at UTC all payments are doing using E-Payment, either you use your Credit or Debit Card. When I wanted to pay with my Debit Card, I just realized it was expired so when I tried to wave it, it didn’t work. So what happened was that, because the rest of my credit cards had only a limit of RM250 I had to use 3 different cards to make payment because I also forgotten my pin, as I hardly use it. So no Sarawak Pay unfortunately when renewing your passport. Anyway both Esther and myself had to pay RM200 each, while Timothy passport was only RM100. Had to pay separately as it they need 3 different receipt, and he returned our original documents together with the receipt. Once the payment is done, the payment officer asked us to return tomorrow instead of waiting. Cause there was a lot of people, and he saw that I was bringing children he suggested I go back as he felt that it wasn’t too safe for the kids to be with a lot of people that’s started to come in. So I thanked him and told him we’ll be back tomorrow instead, as I myself wasn’t feeling too well.

Will do a follow up post after I collect their passport tomorrow.

3rd November 2022

Check List For Passport Collection

  1. Receipt from the payment counter
  2. Original IC or MyKid or Birth Cert
  3. Actual Person

So after the following day, collecting our passport wasn’t too much of a hassle. We were directed to the collection counter and hand over our receipt as well as our original IC and MyKid for Tim. So they will first ask when was it done, and we informed them it was yesterday and was told to sit down. In less than 5 minutes we were called, then was asked to verify our thumb print. After that was done, we had to check if our Names and IC Details were correct. Once all is confirmed, we signed both our release documents as well as passport and we were good to go. So the whole process actually took less than 10 minutes, as we were able to exit UTC without paying the parking ticket.

Overall, the whole experience at UTC was pleasant as we didn’t really had any issues or whatsoever. Since we live nearby UTC, going to and fro there wasn’t a big issue. Their closing time was 6 PM for collection, so best be there early. Hope this post helps for those who wish to renew their passport at UTC or any immigration office post covid era.

By Alex

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