12th Mile and back
Ok I need to clear this post before end of this year as it’s been a few days I’m procrastinating on this post. Over the past 3 days, starting from…
To a new path in life
Ok I need to clear this post before end of this year as it’s been a few days I’m procrastinating on this post. Over the past 3 days, starting from…
It’s been a while since I last ride, and finally after clearing tons of back logs I was finally able to ride again. Never the less, it was a good…
This is an update from my previous post where I was told that I needed to pay for the repair charges for my Blackberry Z3. Never the less, I finally…
Rip #BlackBerry #Z3 #bb10 phone suddenly was extremely hot this morning. Quickly switched it off before church start. After church tried to switch it on but battery went flat. Came…
It’s been a while since I last update this site. This is mainly due to the fact that it has been a crazy past few months where a lot of…
It’s Saturday again. And boy did we have a good ride to Singai. Not only was the air was fresh and cool, we enjoy the scenery on the way there.…
We decided to go Tondong just the night before Saturday, where we were not sure where to go actually. After cell group, Thian suggested that we meet him up for…
So I went and got myself the SJ4000 Wifi version in hope to record my future rides and all. Never the less, the quality was quite impressive considering the price…
I know I have not been updating my rides as of late as I was busy sorting out a new website that I’ve been working for dedicated to cycling with…
This has got to be the biggest ride for me as of yet. And this time, after training up 2 days ago for this ride it wasn't that bad like…