[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter taking a break for 5 days due to haze and rain, I started cycling again today. So I started to train for the upcoming Boulevard Fun Fiesta Ride. Basically I had to time myself and see how much time I need to go to and fro the starting point. Surprisingly now I was able to reach Boulevard within less than 25 minutes, where previously it would have taken me about close to 30 minutes. From there I proceed on riding the route that they intend to use for that day.
But instead of using the first roundabout at Jalan Tun Jugah, I went and used the flyover instead. This is due to the fact that I’m still learning on how to use the roundabout on a bike, especially when there are other vehicle around. Overall the whole lap would have taken me 50 minutes, and most likely I should be back home just in time to get ready for church. I could however go and tapao Roti Telur from Rock City Cafe before heading back. But not too sure how long will that take me later. Never the less, safe to say I can reach back to my place latest by 9am should there be any delay.
Another thing I found out is that, after resting for 5 whole days from the Kota Samarahan ride, find it difficult to ride. Could be due to the switching of gears that made me tired for most of my journey. Especially when trying to climb a hill, but never the less it’s all good. We shall see how things will turn out tomorrow, if face any muscle pull tomorrow morning.
[strava id=”176512647″]