So we had Hari Sukan Negara today. Never the less, this year participation was pretty the same as I recalled 2 years ago. This year I was able to drag both Ewen and Luke with me to go cycling, while Aaron, Louis and Young had signed up for the running event instead. Never the less, it was all fun and games when we started. The first to depart were the runners who decided to take on 5KM. Louis and Young were veterans but Aaron was pretty much a first timer who managed to finish everything the round that morning. More on that in a while.
After the runners were gone, 30km cyclist were up next. While Mat was accompanying team RFC whom apparently was doing this for the first time. While I was overseeing Ewen and Luke who also were first timers riding on the street. As soon as we departed, it was quite difficult to ride quickly. This was because the police car tried to keep a manageable pace, but due to the numbers of cyclist it wasn’t long it broke down into a couple of groups.
Anyway to keep long story short. It was an enjoyable ride for both Ewen and Luke as it was pretty much their maiden ride. Despite heading off first without the police escort, both of them managed to survive in the whole 30KM journey. Aaron on the other hand managed to complete his 5 km run like a boss, where he was able to maintain a pace in between of Louis and Young. But unfortunately for them due to unforeseen circumstances they were not able to get anything in the end. But anyway, it’s all for the fun of it and we’ll see how it goes next time.