After having a late night yesterday from Cell Group Mat suggested that we should start taking into consideration wherever we go on our car to see check the distance. True enough from our host from last night to my place was only 10 KM. And to think it seems very far, but in actual fact it’s not. Anyway, this morning we wanted to try go round of Petra Jaya side. And from the toll bridge and come back down using Satok Bridge area.
We managed to make one round 18KM from where I started in less than an hour. It was quite a feat considering from the map we thought it was very far, but in actual fact it wasn’t really. So after going one round we decided to hang out as I wanted to push for a 25KM, but ended up having to ride 30 KM in the end. The whole duration took about close to 2 hours, and I had to pit stop to refill my water because I ran out of it after the 25 KM. Never the less it was a good ride, and hopefully we can do one again soon.
[strava id=”170890857″]