It has been over a year since I’ve been giving courses on eBay. So first and foremost I would like to apologize to everyone who have visited this site and did not get anything out from it. As most of the time I would end up referring all of you to my other associates.

Missing In Action

Anyway, just to update what actually have been happening for the past year was that I’ve been trying to adjust my lifestyle especially with the baby around.  Yes, that was mainly the reason why I have been a bit quiet in this section here.  As a lot of adjustment needed to be made.  And of course the time selling on eBay is also a bit difficult for me due to certain time have been taken just to take care of the little one.  Not that I’m complaining or anything, as a matter a fact it was indeed a good and fun experience for me.  But never the less, work is still important and my baby girl is already 1 years ++.  So I can start to go back teaching once again, something which I have miss for a very long time.

I’m currently experimenting a new method in listing my products and trying to see how the outcome would be.  And also I’m currently repackaging my course fees as well as methods of teaching.  There will still be a free course, but just to let you know that eBay won’t be paying for the phone bills anymore.  So I guess we need to resort to Skype or MSN or any other instant messengers that support voice.

For group courses, I will be planning to do a bit of traveling in the near future.  So most likely I’ll be flying around Sarawak.  And if I so by happened to be in your town or city, I won’t mind staying another extra 2-3 days to hold a course.  So do check me out in a couple of weeks, as how I will plan for my year 2010 program specially just for you.   For personal or group seminars do contact me via the contact page and I’ll get in touch with you soon.

Thank you for continuous support, and I hope to see all of you soon.

By Alex

If my post helped you, I would appreciate if you help share it. Also it would be good if you can buy me a cup of coffee as well to help keep this site up and running. Thank you.

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