Earlier this week I was conducting a training Pivot Table for Data Analysis Made Easy for 3 days. On the first day, I was focusing more on ensuring the participants knew how to create a pivot table. Getting them to make sure on properly storing their raw data in the future. Initially made them do calculation on certain things based on formulas, and boy were they having a hard time trying to keep up. But once I showed them how to do the same thing using pivot table, that was when the sound sigh of relief started to be heard. Once they managed to get the concept, I went and introduced Dashboard and interactive report before calling it a day.

On the second day, since they’ve already master the art of using pivot tables. It’s time to play with dashboard, and got them to create their first dashboard. They weren’t too sure what they were doing at first, as they slowly followed the steps that was provided. Once everything was completed, some were quite amazed on how simple the whole thing was. As we finished up day 2 in creating Dashboards, I got them to go back home and check to see if they could bring their work tomorrow in order for me to help them make sure they got their raw data stored correctly.

3rd and final day, we spent half the morning trying to work on their own data. During this time, they were able to pull thousands of raw data and present them neatly using dashboard. We also talked how we pivot table and dashboard can be used in their workplace. And once they’ve got the foundation correctly, they will not have any more problems in the future when preparing their monthly report in the future. Once that was done, we break for lunch and when they got back I gave them a final practical exams to see if they were able to get it done. And they did not failed to impressed me, as some were able to finish the report within 1 to 1.5 hour mark.

Never the less it was a fruitful 3 days for them, as they were able to master how to create Dashboard now. Best part about this training is that, I got few message from some of them who straight away went and applied what they learned from the past 3 days into their daily work. Some had problems setting up, but after I corrected them, they were good to go. So it’s all good, another session will be held for another group next week. Let’s see if they can apply dashboard and pivot tables in their daily work.