After my first attempt 2 days ago trying to do a 5KM that ended up to a 7KM went some sort successful, I thought it was possible I could do a 10KM run today. So after looking at the route I would be running next month, I went ahead and tried running it this morning.
As I started out early this morning, this time instead of lugging 1.5L of water with me I went and used a 500ml bottle instead. It was able to fit into my pouch, and I was good to go. Everything started out well, apart from my LED shoe clip fell off that got ended up wearing on my hand instead. This time round there weren’t any dogs came and chased me.
First 2KM got me worried as I saw lighting that got me tempted to turn back. But I still went ahead and pressed on, while blasting on Spotify. Legs seems to be fine, apart when slowing down as it began to hurt. Only way to relieve it was to pretty much jog, that got me moving quite a bit.
Despite the fact that I was told that I should never take up running due to my legs condition, pretty much became my motivation lately. Well it pays off to be stubborn sometimes, and I’m glad that I was able to complete 10KM even at a slow pace. Oh well, it should get better over the next few weeks before I go for my actual run. Hopefully by then, my stamina would have increased and my weight also decreased.